Wire cable ,is actually stainless steel cable (wire rope) ,it is generally hung between ceiling and floor. Some other fittings ,like bracket ,gripper are attached to the cable, so that hold your frame ,shelving in the air.
These picture hanging hardware are flexible display way ,they are ideal for paintings, white-boards,glass,picture & poster frames etc; it offer an easy and elegant solution to display signs, menus, photos,gallery or signage.
There are metal parts to grip shelves from the edges and parts that pass through the shelves providing support from downside By using quick-release cable grippers you can adjust your shelf display without removing brackets and grid systems from the wall.
By attached different mounting brackets ,these hanging cable can be installed to the wall ,ceiling or floor create a modern look for your business .
These custom wire hanging solution can be configured both for shelving or picture& signagedisplays.
\When configured for shelving, the hanging cable systems allow the ability to display products such as clothing, gallery. . By using a cable shelving system it allows the item to be visible and accessable for the consumer in a sleek and unique presentation.When configured for sign or picture displays ,these suspended hanging systems would provide an elegant way to display your artwork ,pictures or poster ,to customers or visitors. These cable hanging displays are perfect to provide a unique visual presentation to your home, office, or gallery.
These cable hanging systems provides a great way to display artwork, photos, marketing material,they offer a range of suspended cable and sign hanging kits,which make these wire cable hanging systems are ideal for retail stores, schools, libraries,museum,art galleries,theather,commerical centers ,hotel ,restaurant,cafe stores,private building etc