The installation of led window displays

For most of customers who buy the wire cable hanging system or install the led window displays,there may be some problem to how to install the cable hanging systems successfully.

As usual, we would send all of accessoies in the packaging ,including wire cable,fittings,clasp and different standard adpat. In case any one is missing ,we usually send 1 or 2 more for spare.
Here is the pictures which include all of the accessories needed for the wire cable hanging systems.

accessories for cable hanging systems

As we can see ,the standoff is used to hold the acrylic panel tightly,whic need to be unsrew when you want to change the graphics,
For other metal accessorieds ,they are used to hang the acrylic pockets on the wire cable ,the clasp are used to hold the acrylic pockets on the wire cale in placement,also the led light panel are conductive by this clasp.

You may notice there is a  black short wire line (about 15cm long),which is used to connect the adapt with the led light panel.  Its interface is connected with the adapt and the other connect is connected with your led light panel
Here is the picture for reference
small wire line   wire cable

Of course ,if you don’t find this black short wire line ,you can directly connect the adapt with your led light panel,here is the picture


When you install the whole wire cable hanging system ,then you can connect with power supply and see if it is lighted . Sometimes ,it may be not lighted ,you can shake lightly the wire cable hanging system ,maybe some connector is not connected well. Please note, you must make sure every connector is connected well ,so that this cable hanging systems can be conducted well .

Here is the picture when this cable systems displays are installed ,you can refer to it
installation struction for wire cable

If you have any problem of question on the installation ,pleasedon’t heisitate to contact us at ,we would be reply to you in 24 hours .

Thanks for your great support,
Yakri crafts

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